[column width_md=”6″]
[timeline title=”WORK HISTORY” icon=”fa-flask”]
[event date=”2012″ current=”yes”]
Front End Web Developer
I currently work for Pixelwars creative studio. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
[event date=”2010″ current=””]
Web Developer
I worked as a Web Developer at Google for 3 years. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
[event date=”2006″ current=””]
Exclusive Author
I am an Elite Author at Envato. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
[timeline title=”EDUCATION HISTORY” icon=”icon-college”]
[event date=”2012″ current=””]
Atom Science
I studied atomic stuff at Stanford University. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
[event date=”2010″ current=””]
Software Engineering
I got my Master Degree at Harvard University. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
[event date=”2006″ current=””]
Computer Science
I studied Computer Science at MIT. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
[column width_md=”6″]
[section_title icon=”icon-cog-1″ text=”DEVELOPMENT SKILLS”]
[progress_bar first_bar=”yes” last_bar=”” text=”HTML5″ percent=”100″]
[progress_bar first_bar=”” last_bar=”” text=”CSS3″ percent=”50″]
[progress_bar first_bar=”” last_bar=”” text=”jQuery” percent=”70″]
[progress_bar first_bar=”” last_bar=”yes” text=”Wordpress” percent=”100″]
[section_title icon=”icon-brush” text=”DESIGN SKILLS”]
[progress_bar first_bar=”yes” last_bar=”” text=”FIREWORKS” percent=”90″]
[progress_bar first_bar=”” last_bar=”” text=”PHOTOSHOP” percent=”60″]
[progress_bar first_bar=”” last_bar=”yes” text=”ILLUSTRATOR” percent=”40″]
[section_title icon=”icon-comment” text=”TESTIMONIALS”]
[testimonial first=”yes” last=”” name=”PHILLIP AUSTIN” job=”CEO / GRAVITY INC.” image=”https://www.guille.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/testo-01.jpg”]He is a great and hardworking guy. I am so proud of i have him as my asistant. He helped me so much. Also he is a great and hardworking guy. I am so proud of i have him as my asistant. He helped me so much.[/testimonial]
[testimonial first=”” last=”” name=”GARY MORGAN” job=”CHEMIST / FREELANCER” image=”https://www.guille.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/testo-02.jpg”]He was a great co-worker and a friend. I would’t be where i am without his support.[/testimonial]
[testimonial first=”” last=”yes” name=”JASON WILSON” job=”LAB GEEK / MIAMI METRO” image=”https://www.guille.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/testo-03.jpg”]He is ok.[/testimonial]
[section_title icon=”icon-doc-alt” text=”DOWNLOAD MY CV”]
You can download my CV in pdf format if you like. I currently work for Pixelwars creative studio. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
[button text=”DOWNLOAD CV” new_tab=”” size=”” icon=”” color=”primary” colored=”” url=”#”]
[section_title icon=”icon-linkedin” text=”VIEW MY LINKEDIN PROFILE”]
You can view my LinkedIn profile. I currently work for Pixelwars creative studio. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
[button text=”MY LINKEDIN PROFILE” new_tab=”” size=”” icon=”” color=”primary” colored=”” url=”#”]